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Campaign Finance Reform

Our democracy is strongest when everyone’s voice and power in the political process is equal.

Even at the local level, we need to rethink how campaigns are funded. As Chair of the Yes for A! Campaign, Samay successfully advocated for the creation of a Citizens’ Election Fund in Baltimore County. Public campaign financing options like this one help to amplify the impact of small donations and incentivize those without ties to large corporations and PACs to run for office.

For too long, people without access to big money and PAC donations have not had a voice in politics. This fund allows everyone, no matter their race, gender, or income to have equal opportunity in running for local office by providing limited matching funds for small campaign contributions.

Samay continues to make official policy recommendations in the Fair Election Fund Work Group. This group was created to implement the public campaign financing option approved by voters in 2020, and Samay actively looks to use this program to increase access to political office and small-donor influence at every level.